Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Haitian Revolution - 1975 Words

It is no secret that the Caribbean fails to get the credit it rightfully deserves. One is taught to embrace the history of the United States and Europe. However, when told to recite the names of Caribbean legends, the room becomes silent. It is rare that one is taught the impact that the Caribbean has made all over the world. This is a shame because one of the most important events transpired in the Caribbean. In a small colony by the name Saint Domingue, which is currently known as Haiti, a slave rebellion that resulted in many causalities shook the world. This rebellion is called the Haitian Revolution. The Haitian Revolution is one of the largest slave revolts that have ever occurred. Finally fed up with oppression, severed rights under†¦show more content†¦Although the Haitian Revolution was influenced by the French Revolution, the idea of a black resistance was nothing new. The practice of marronage, a runaway slave, was so old that one’s textbook was not able t o go back that far. Black rebellions existed all throughout the Western Hemisphere, however, they failed to make a huge mark in history like the Haitian Revolution. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen was passed on August 26, 1789, in France which stated, â€Å"The representatives of the French people, constituted as a National Assembly, and considering that ignorance, neglect, or contempt of the rights of man are the sole causes of public misfortunes and governmental corruption, have resolved to set forth in a solemn declaration the natural, inalienable and sacred rights of man: so that by being constantly present to all the members of the social body this declaration may always remind them of their rights and duties; so that by being liable at every moment to comparison with the aim of any and all political institutions the acts of the legislative and executive powers may be the more fully respected; and so that by being founded henceforward on simple and inconte stable principles the demands of the citizens may always tend toward maintaining the constitution and the general welfare.† (Hunt 77-79). This created a lot of controversy. The French are expressing the importanceShow MoreRelatedThe Revolution Of The Haitian Revolution1385 Words   |  6 PagesThe Haitian Revolution is one of the most effective and swift Slave revolts of all time. The causes of the Haitian Revolution were quite simple and was similar to any other kind of slave revolt. Many ideas carried around by slave traders at the time such as treating slaves as property, using social/racial classes, and oppressive control ultimately tipped the slaves over the edge. Ideas of independence also sparked the revolution, and one key inspiration to the cause was The French Revolution. ThisRead MoreHaitian Revolution : The Revolution1199 Words   |  5 PagesHaitian Revolution: The Haitian Revolution was led by Toussaint L’Ouverture from May 20, 1743 to April 7, 1803. It has been described as the largest and most successful slave rebellion. The rebellion was initiated in 1791 by the slaves. 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Toussaint Louverture was the leader of the Haitians out of slavery and free from the Spanish. The colony of St. Domingue was a slave island, where slaves would work to make goods to be sent to Spain in return for nothing. The people were treated harsh and done wrong but by the efforts of Louverture they will become free. Louverture was the leader of the revolution but failed to complete his duties because of capture Jean- Jacques Dessalines

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