Thursday, December 19, 2019

My Life Experience And My Outlook Essay - 1627 Words

At this point in my life, as a person retiring out of an industry, and going back to school for a second career, my outlook is certainly different than it was when I was in college 23 years ago. I think that is primarily from life experiences, and having particular life experiences along my journey. I loved the philosophy class as it seemed to help me answer some of those questions that were lingering in the back of my head for years. And if it did not answer the questions, it certainly gave me the tools to dig deeper into my own thoughts, and ideas, and challenge them. I start off with what philosophy called metaphysics, the study of existence. Growing up in a fundamental religion I always had questions about our beginning, or arche’, as a human race. I was taught the preverbal Adam and Eve idea, but that brought about so many other questions. Who was before them? What if there was an alternative? Can we trust the historical data in the Bible? Where is God? Why is God â€Å"above us†? How do we know? All of these questions I had put away, thinking I must have been the only one that must think this way. Don’t misunderstand me there are elements of my religion that I cherish and it will provide me the ethical structure for my being. I understand that if society understood in the arche’ of our religion, we would find that we have more similarities than differences. During the time we studied Plato, and his ideal forms, I saw how not only myShow MoreRelatedCareer Plan For Training And Career Development1384 Words   |  6 PagesThe purpose of this paper is to present a career plan using lessons learned on training and career development. It will reveal various skills, training, and recommendations for work-life balances needed to pursue and achieve career objectives. â€Æ' Individual Career Plan When deciding on a career plan, I think it is most important to list the activities that are of interests to do in service of finding a path that suits you best. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Architecture of

Question: Outlines the fact to Construct a summary research of a learn article stating its relevance and uniqueness to the parents and Convincing them to take an active Interest in the article. Answer: Cognition is an important process in the early development phase of humans. In medical science, it is regarded to be a vital process of obtaining fruitful understanding through perception, practice and sensation. The cognition process in humans broadly covers the concepts of comprehension, observation, retention, discernment, calculation and others. The phase of cognition, which occurs in humans, utilizes the notion of prevailing information and initiates new information (Anderson, 2013). This essay outlines the fact to construct a summary research of a LEARN article stating its relevance and uniqueness to the parents and convincing them to take an active interest in the article. The article, Does One Year of Schooling Improve Childrens Cognitive Control and Alter Associated Brain Activation? written by Brod, G., Bunge, S. A., Shing, Y. L tries to convey to the readers that the concept of five to seven year change leads to the concentration of miraculous enhancements in a pre-schoolers comprehension abilities, especially in their skill to exercise dominance over their consciousness and conduct (Brod, Bunge and Shing 2017). Generally, it aids in perfecting their decision-making flair. Nowadays, many nurturing articles related to parenthood are published in the market on a monthly basis. Resultantly it becomes very difficult for the prospective parents to select and read a particular article, which would adequately guide them in their parenting journey. Unlike other articles, this particular article definitely falls in the rank of premium parenting articles, which clearly displays the intricacies and complicacies involved in polishing the cognitive or the reasoning skills of children. Apart from learning about the general concept of cognition, the parents can also decipher the distinct effect of the five to seven year change on children belonging to the different age groups. In this article, two sets of children were selected to conduct the MRI experiment (Dale, Brown Semelka, 2015). One set consisted of children who were already enrolled in the primary grade and the other set comprised children who were in the kindergarten grade. The singularity of this article is that any nonprofessional other than a guardian or a researcher can effortlessly grasp the outcome of the experiment. The conducted experiment in the article finds out that the primary graders developed better cognition ability than the kindergarteners because of their gr adual amelioration of the region of right caudal parietal cortex in the brain (Cabeza, Ciaramelli Moscovitch, 2012). If the above-mentioned region develops in rapid pace, then it would automatically facilitate prolonged attention and upgraded accuracy. Conclusively, it can be derived from the above intensive discussion that the conducted experiment in the concerned article brilliantly shows that how the mise-en-scene context of ritualistic tutelage configures the brain structure with latent refined focus on apprehensively challenging activities. This article indeed undertakes a very crucial examination of the human mind. Human mind is very complex. Human mind has been the subject of various researches and experiments conducted all over the world. At the stage of infancy, human mind is at the preliminary developmental stage and can be evolved to sharpen the intellectual and comprehensive abilities of the children. This article provides a breakthrough opportunity to do the same. The experiment conducted in the article has also been carried out in an adept manner making it suitable for the parents, who are not familiar with research study, to easily apprehend and conclude the topic matter. References Anderson, J. R. (2013).The architecture of cognition. Psychology Press. Brod, Garvin, Silvia A. Bunge, and Yee Lee Shing. 2017. "Does One Year Of Schooling Improve ChildrenS Cognitive Control And Alter Associated Brain Activation?".Psychological Science28 (7): 967-978. doi:10.1177/0956797617699838. Cabeza, R., Ciaramelli, E., Moscovitch, M. (2012). Cognitive contributions of the ventral parietal cortex: an integrative theoretical account.Trends in cognitive sciences,16(6), 338-352. Dale, B. M., Brown, M. A., Semelka, R. C. (2015).MRI: basic principles and applications. John Wiley Sons.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Travis Anderson Essays - Leash, Livestock, Franklin D. Roosevelt

Travis Anderson English 101 Essay#2 Refuge From The Concrete After starting school recently, my life became overloaded with responsibility. A typical day starts at six thirty as a screaming alarm summons me from bed. I leave my house at seven o'clock. I will not be back home for another twelve hours. School and work have imposed a rather tight schedule on me. I have trouble making time for necessary relaxation and meditation. At times, I get overwhelmed with responsibility. This is when I throw a leash on my dog and head out in search of more spiritual surroundings. After my dog drags me down Coal then across University, I start to see the collage of treetops that would be my destination. I find it ironic that such a concentration of vegetation flourishes in this urban surrounding. With each block I traveled, I grew in anticipation. My eye's perception of the foliage grew clearer as I neared. I was close now and could read the generic wooden sign that reigned over most Albuquerque parks. Carved into the sign were the words "Roosevelt Park". Under the wooden sign, I found a list of the park's rules and regulations. I proceeded to ignore them and let my dog free from her leash. She took off immediately to join in with the rest of the dogs perusing the park. Roosevelt Park is situated below the level of the street. This gives it a more isolated feeling than other Albuquerque parks. The grass flows in waves over the many hills and knolls that are throughout the park. Some hilltops possess peculiar metal poles with chains dangling down from them. These function as holes for a frisbee golf course. There is a variety of different trees speckled through the park. Some of them tall and strong, shooting up three story's high. Some are young and fragile, reaching for my knees. Weaving in and out of the trees you can find various evergreen bushes and shrubbery. Roosevelt Park has an abundance of plant life to enjoy. The people are what I find to be most interesting. I spot a few couples making out on hillsides and ducking behind bushes. The park benches and tables are overrun with vagrants napping and families eating fast food. There is a variety of high school students sitting at the far end of the park suspiciously puffing a joint. Above them joggers are making their laps. Frisbee players are flinging their discs towards the metal poles. Meanwhile dog owners are observing the collection of dogs playing in the middle of the park. I find watching these people do their park activities can be as entertaining as television. Roosevelt Park is full of life and activity in the middle of a cold concrete community. When I am spiritually drained, I go to the park to escape from my asphalt surroundings. I am there every weekend for an hour of vacation. The park permits me the opportunity to clear my head and meditate. Something I do not have time for during the week. I leave the park refreshed with newfound peace of mind.